Introducing SEXREX

REX is the exclusive brand representative of MojoDrinks. He is a fun, temperamental t-rex. This is his headshot with an angry face, which landed him this job!

He goes by the name Sexrex now. Why, you ask? Good question. Ever since he read XERXES on the can upside down, which reads SEXREX, as XERXES brand representative, he has made it his life calling to become a real Sexrex! His overexuberance and clumsiness always lead to precarious situations, though.

Introducing Sexrex Adventures

Rex and Cera star in short comic animations

Rex as a "regular guy", clumsy, Casanova wannabe, and Cera as a smart, sexy lady who keeps it real.

SEXREX Family Story

He believes he is the lovechild of a T-Rex and Rodney Dangerfield. He thinks he has inherited his mom’s gentle temperament and his dad’s comic talent.